Hello there,
This is my first entry, and I believe it to be customary to introduce myself and what I'm going to be doing. That said, here I go!
I am Augustus Longeye. "Wait!" I hear you cry, "Surely that's not your real name?" and the answer is No, it is not. I go by a few names online, but the name I most associate with and the name I do most stuff with (i.e. have a large enough profile) is Longeye's. Longeye was actually a character I wrote for a short (steampunk) story a while ago, but liked him too much to put him through all the tortures I had planned for his second story, and therefore kept him for myself. Fun!
Now what do I do? Why I study! I'm studying Psychology as a BSc but in my spare time I learn anything that catches my eye. At the moment this is programming languages (for those who care I'm working on Java primarily after going through HTML, JavaScript, C++ and Jython) but it is as liable to change as the English weather is!
Now what is the point of this blog? I thought long and hard about what sort of thing I wanted to add to the internet. I could do book reviews I read a lot so it would fit. I could go game reviews; I play games a LOT but don't have the money to keep up a successful game review blog. I could do a blog on technology! I like technology, it captures both my shiny-thing addiction and also my love of technical things that do stuff.
I declined each of these for one reason or another, but mostly because I wanted to do something unique (or at least rare!) for my blog. You get a hundred blogs all the same, what do you do? You have one that's different, you know what to go for. In the end I settled.
This blog will cover a variety of 'nerdy' things. It will include reviews of games, reviews of books, reviews of programming languages (though these will be very infrequent), posts on technology, new and old, posts on the state of the world and posts generally on things I find interesting. I hope some of these will also interest you!
I'll try to keep things in categories as much as I can, but who knows where this will go? I certainly don't!
I hope this has cleared up who I am, what I'm doing and maybe even a little into why I'm doing it. Maybe it hasn't. One thing is for sure though, I ramble! You'll notice this quickly, but I do get to points as well.
If you have any suggestions about something you'd like me to do/review/look at then please send them in. I'm always happy to learn new things.
For now,
You could always follow my lead and play games that no-one wants anymore :P
ReplyDeleteHey, Assassin's Creed I is still a perfectly valid game! But my funds are still somewhat limited ;)
ReplyDeleteI might though, we'll see what I end up doing :D